The Matrix Of Reality

1 min readJan 16, 2022

In real life, the Matrix is an ancient technologically mediated construct that constitutes a system of controlled sociocognitive reality construction, inhabited by all humans connected to state, religious, corporate and social information sources.

The accumulation of memetic instances, units of information, in the subjective cognitive simulacrum of the world, strengthens neural pathways, constituting everything that humans accept as real and true.

Long ago, leaders learned that by tapping into information ecosystems, over time, they could construct perceptions of reality and thus reality itself, by disseminating stories and ideas. This is made possible by the interconnectivity and interplay between reality, language and cognition, on an abstract (meta) strata.

In short, by creating information layers on top of a natural ecosystem of consciousness, as a property of complex systems, higher order forces will emerge to direct behavior and thus shape reality.

By applying natural principles of social mimicry, fractal dissemination of behavior and constructs, we constructed subtle but effective higher order forms of social governance and cognitive walled gardens as a means to contain, secure, guide and develop civilization for millennia.

Today, these cognitive technologies and social paradigms are used to craft culture, implement changes at global scales, harmonize, secure and strengthen the world.

In short, simulation theory has been true since the dawn of civilization, since everything people accept as true is a cognitive product of a hybrid, technology mediated mental simulation that is systematically managed and architected for sustainability.

To learn more, keep an open mind.

